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Rev. saúde pública (Online) ; 56: 97, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1410052


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze the scientometric profile of research on trachoma in Brazil. METHODS Bibliographic research of publications on trachoma in Brazil indexed by the Scopus database from 2000 to 2020, based on specific criteria. Data on authorship, country of origin, institutions, and keywords were collected and analyzed with analysis of time trends. Bibliographic networks were constructed via a scientometric visualization software—VOSviewer® 1.6.16. RESULTS We analyzed 42 publications on trachoma in Brazil. The annual average was two articles, with an increase of about 50% during the period. The average number of authors was three per document and school surveys were the most common subject category. Most published articles came from Brazilian institutions (95.2%), mainly those based in Southeast and North Brazil. Of the most productive authors, 10 were mentioned as first author in 26.2% of publications (11/42) and the predominant institutions are based in the state of São Paulo. The term "trachoma" (n = 18) was the most recurrent keyword. CONCLUSION This first scientometric analysis of research on trachoma in Brazil showed a limited number of studies on this disease. The scientific production slightly increased, although the origin of many studies is geographical areas with lower endemicity of this disease. Greater investments are needed for a better understanding and control of this neglected tropical disease. The analysis of bibliographic production on this topic is important to strengthen the development of research and strategic planning of programs for the control of trachoma and neglected tropical diseases in general.

RESUMO OBJETIVO Analisar o perfil cienciométrico das pesquisas sobre tracoma no Brasil. MÉTODOS Pesquisa bibliográfica de publicações sobre tracoma no Brasil indexadas pela base de dados da Scopus, a partir de critérios específicos no período de 2000 a 2020. Foram extraídos e analisados dados sobre autoria, país de origem, instituições e descritores, com análises de tendências temporais. As redes bibliográficas foram construídas via software de visualização cienciométrica VOSviewer® 1.6.16. RESULTADOS Do total de 42 publicações analisadas sobre tracoma no Brasil, observou-se média anual de dois artigos, com incremento de aproximadamente 50% no período. Verificou-se média de três autores por documento e os inquéritos escolares foram a categoria de assunto mais comum. Os artigos publicados provêm majoritariamente de instituições brasileiras (95,2%), principalmente das sediadas nas regiões Sudeste e Norte. Dez autores mais produtivos estão mencionados nas primeiras autorias em 26,2% (11/42) das publicações e as instituições predominantes estão afiliadas ao estado de São Paulo. O termo Trachoma (n = 18) apresenta maior recorrência como descritor. CONCLUSÃO Esta primeira análise cienciométrica sobre tracoma no Brasil evidencia limitado número de pesquisas sobre essa doença. Há discreto incremento da produção científica, apesar da concentração da origem em áreas geográficas com menor endemicidade da doença. Maiores investimentos são necessários para o melhor entendimento e controle dessa doença tropical negligenciada. A análise da produção bibliográfica tem papel relevante para fortalecimento do desenvolvimento de pesquisas e planejamento estratégico de programas para o controle de tracoma e doenças tropicais negligenciadas em geral.

Bibliometrics , Trachoma , Bibliometrics , Scientific and Technical Publications , Citation Databases
Rev. cienc. forenses Honduras (En línea) ; 7(1): 40-49, 2021. graf., tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BIMENA | ID: biblio-1284617


Justificación: la webometría se ha usado para medir la actividad y visibilidad científica en los países. Objetivo: construir un ranking de investigadores hondureños según las citaciones en sus perfiles de Google Académico y su afiliación institucional. Metodología: se realizó una búsqueda sobre publicaciones científicas de investigadores e instituciones académicas e independientes de Honduras registradas en Google Académico. La información se organizó en Microsoft Excel y se analizó con la herramienta Tableau, con la cual también se creó un tablero interactivo para acceso público, mostrando frecuencias, porcentajes y promedios de las citaciones de los investigadores y otros criterios. Resultados: el 72% (110/151) de los investigadores con perfiles disponibles eran hombres; la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras lideró el porcentaje de investigadores con el 55.6% (84/151), seguida por la Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana con el 13.9% (21/151) y la Escuela Agrícola Panamericana con el 12.6% (19/151). Los investigadores de la Escuela Agrícola Panamericana mostraron el mayor promedio de citaciones por investigador (390), seguida por los investigadores de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras (179) y los de la Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana (177). Los investigadores en los primeros 20 lugares, clasificados con el índice H, también pertenecían a estas universidades. Las disciplinas más frecuentemente reportadas por los investigadores fueron las ciencias sociales (27.2%), de la salud (22.53%), agrícolas (9.32%) y las naturales (8.6%). Conclusiones: el mayor número de investigadores con perfiles en Google Académico pertenecían a la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras, pero los investigadores de dos universidades privadas tuvieron un promedio de citación por autor casi igual o mayor a los de dicha institución. El tablero público de ranking de investigadores hondureños, puede orientar estrategias de visibilidad de los científicos del país...(AU)

Bibliometrics , Scientific Publication Indicators , Periodical , Citation Databases
São Paulo; s.n; 2021. 88 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1252850


OBJETIVOS: Identificar fatores associados à citação de artigos científicos e validar a acurácia do campo financiamento na Web of Science (WoS). MÉTODOS: Foram analisados 3.306 artigos da área de Nutrição e Dietética publicados entre 2009 e 2011, indexados na WoS, distribuídos segundo sua condição de citação (pouco ou nada citados, medianamente citados, altamente citados). Foram testadas variáveis independentes relacionadas ao artigo, à pesquisa, ao periódico e ao autor. Para identificar fatores associados às citações, utilizamos regressão logística multinomial. Foram apresentados os valores de odds ratio (OR) e seus respectivos intervalos de confiança de 95% (IC95%) para cada variável independente (regressão simples) e para os valores ajustados no modelo final (regressão múltipla). A validade da base de dados foi avaliada pela estimativa da sensibilidade e especificidade. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. RESULTADOS: Dos 19 fatores testados, 13 permaneceram independentemente associados às citações. Os atributos associados a maior chance de o artigo ser moderada ou altamente citado foram: tipo de título, tamanho do resumo, quantidade de referências, tamanho do artigo, tipo de publicação, declaração de financiamento, quartil do periódico, número de categorias da WoS às quais o periódico pertence, quantidade de autores, engajamento dos autores e quantidade de países em colaboração. Abordar um hot topic ou ser de acesso aberto foram associados a menor chance de o artigo receber citações. CONCLUSÕES: Identificamos atributos do artigo, da pesquisa, do periódico e do autor que influenciam as chances de um artigo científico ser citado. Dentre os fatores associados, cinco são atributos relacionados ao artigo e seis são modificáveis, podendo ser trabalhados de modo a aumentar as chances de o artigo ser citado. O campo financiamento da WoS mostrou-se confiável para análises bibliométricas sobre financiamento. O idioma de publicação e o local do artigo onde o financiamento é reportado parecem influenciar a confiabilidade desse campo.

OBJECTIVES: To identify factors associated with citation of scientific articles, and validate the accuracy of the funding field in the Web of Science (WoS). METHODS: We analyzed 3,306 articles indexed in the WoS related to Nutrition and Dietetics, published between 2009 and 2011, distributed according to their category of citation (never or rarely cited, moderately cited, highly cited). We tested independent variables related to the article, research, journal, and author. In order to identify factors associated with citations, we used multinomial logistic regression. The odds ratio (OR) values and their 95% confidence intervals were calculated for each independent variable (simple regression), and the values adjusted in the final model (multiple regression). The validation of the database was assessed by estimating sensitivity and specificity. The significance level adopted was 5%. RESULTS: Of the 19 factors tested, 13 remained independently associated with citations. The attributes associated with a greater chance of the article being moderately or highly cited were as follows: type of the title, abstract size, number of references, article length, publication type, funding statement, quartile of the journal, number of WoS categories to which the journal belongs, number of authors, authors' engagement, and number of countries in collaboration. Addressing a hot topic, or being open access, was associated with less chance of the article receiving citations. CONCLUSIONS: We identified attributes of the article, the research, the journal, and the author that affect the chances of a scientific article being cited. Among the associated factors, five are attributes related to the article, and six are modifiable, which can be worked on to increase the chances of receiving more citations. The WoS metadata on funding is reliable for bibliometric analysis. The language of publication and the location where the funding is reported in the article are likely to influence funding information reliability.

Bibliometrics , Citation Databases , Research Financing , Newspapers as Topic
Ter. psicol ; 38(1): 29-46, abr. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1115939


Resumen La gerontología es comprendida como un enfoque interdisciplinario que aborda el proceso de envejecimiento y vejez. El presente artículo caracteriza la evolución de la investigación en el campo gerontológico durante los últimos 44 años a través de un análisis bibliométrico de los trabajos de mayor impacto en el área. Se revisaron 94 publicaciones de la colección principal de la Web of Science (WoS) de Thomson Reuters en el periodo 1975-2018. Se analizan las publicaciones y su evolución longitudinal, el acoplamiento de documentos clásicos, áreas de investigación, autores y co-autorías, revistas y países. Se concluye que Estados Unidos es el país que reúne la mayor cantidad de publicaciones, citas y revistas de difusión de textos clásicos.

Abstract Gerontology is understood as an interdisciplinary approach that addresses the process of aging and old age. The present article characterizes the evolution of research in the gerontological field during the last 44 years through a bibliometric analysis of the works of greatest impact in the area. Ninety-four publications were reviewed from the main collection of the Web of Science (WoS) by Thomson Reuters in the period 1975-2018. The publications and their longitudinal evolution, the coupling of classic documents, research areas, authors and co-authors, journals and countries are analyzed. It is concluded that the United States is the country with the largest number of publications, citations and journals disseminating classical texts.

Humans , Aged , Bibliometrics , Biomedical Research/statistics & numerical data , Geriatrics , Periodicals as Topic , Citation Databases , Journal Impact Factor
Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 50(3): 145-159, jul.-dic. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1004263


Resumen La creciente producción de las revistas de psicología colombianas en las últimas décadas lleva a preguntas sobre la relevancia e impacto regional e internacional de su productividad. Considerando la falta de esfuerzos recientes para evaluar el resultado de estas revistas en diferentes fuentes de información, el presente estudio analizó la producción, colaboración e impacto de las revistas de psicología colombianas entre 2000 y 2016 utilizando información de las siguientes bases de datos: Scopus, Scielo, Redalyc, y Journal Scholar Metrics. Analizamos 3915 artículos publicados en 13 revistas. Se incluyeron las revistas que estaban indexadas en varias de estas bases de datos al tiempo durante el tiempo de observación, lo que permitió realizar comparaciones. Observamos la diversificación y el crecimiento de las revistas en todos los indicadores propuestos, con diferentes grados de visibilidad y calidad según los criterios utilizados. Aunque todas las revistas en general mostraron resultados regionales e internacionales similares, algunas se destacaron en todos los indicadores, lo que a su vez invita a otras revistas a mejorar sus indicadores. Concluimos que la producción colombiana en psicología es visible a nivel regional. Además, las revistas deben aumentar algunos de los indicadores para poder compararlos con otros puntos de referencia de acceso abierto regionales e internacionales, ya que es el modelo bajo el cual se concibieron originalmente.

Abstract The growing output of Colombian psychology journals over past decades leads to questions regarding the regional and international relevance and impact of their productivity. Considering the lack of recent efforts to assess the output of these journals across different information sources, the present study analyzed the production, collaboration, and impact of Colombian psychology journals between 2000 and 2016 using information from the following databases: Scopus, Scielo, Redalyc, and Journal Scholar Metrics. We analyzed 3915 articles published across 13 journals. A journal was included in the analysis if it was indexed in several of these databases, which allowed for multiple comparisons. We observed journals' diversification and growth across all the proposed indicators, with different degrees of visibility and quality depending on the criteria used. Although all the journals generally showed similar regional and international results, some excelled across indicators, which in turn challenges other journals to improve their scores. We conclude that Colombian production in psychology is visible on a regional level. Moreover, journals need to increase some of the indicators so they can be compared with other regional and international open-access benchmarks, which is the model in which they were originally conceived.

Psychology , Periodicals as Topic , Citation Databases
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 32(2): 230-236, abr.-jun. 2015. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIPECS, INS-PERU | ID: lil-753255


Objetivos. Determinar los factores asociados al uso regular de fuentes de información en estudiantes de Medicina de cuatro ciudades de Perú. Materiales y métodos. Estudio transversal analítico, se encuestó a estudiantes de Medicina de cuatro ciudades del Perú, recopilando información del uso de 14 fuentes de información y otras variables educativas e informáticas. Se definió uso frecuente de la fuente de información si accedía a ella mínimo una vez a la semana. Se obtuvieron los valores p mediante modelos lineales generalizados ajustando por la sede de cada encuestado. Resultados. Se encuestaron 2300 estudiantes con una mediana de edad de 21 años, el 53% fueron mujeres. El recibir una capacitación para el uso de las fuentes incrementó el uso en doce de las bases consultadas, no en SciELO (p=0,053) ni en la biblioteca universitaria (p=0,509). Cuando se añadió el ajuste por poseer una laptop/netbook se mantuvieron dichas asociaciones. Al ajustar también por poseer un smartphone se perdió la asociación con la base BVS Perú (p=0,067), lo mismo ocurrió al hacer el último ajuste, si había realizado alguna actividad de investigación. Conclusiones. El uso frecuente de las fuentes de la información está asociado con haber recibido capacitación, realizar investigación y el uso de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación. Esto debe ser tomado en cuenta en programas de capacitación y mejora continua en el pre y posgrado.

Objetives. To determine the factors associated with regular use of sources of information by medical students in four cities in Peru. Materials and methods. In this cross-sectional study, medical students were surveyed in four cities of Peru, gathering information on the use of 14 sources of information and other educational and computer variables. Frequent use of the information source was defined if the respondent reported that they access an information source at least once a week. P values were obtained by generalized linear models adjusted for each respondent site. Results. 2,300 students were surveyed. The median age was 21 years and 53% were women. Having received training in the use of sources increased the use in twelve of the consulted bases, not in SciELO (p=0.053) or in the university library (p=0.509).When adjusting for owning a laptop/netbook, these associations remained. After also adjusting for owning a smartphone the association was lost with the BVS Peru database (p=0.067). The association was also lost after making the final adjustment, if the respondent had carried out any research activities. Conclusions. The frequent use of sources of information is associated with having received training, conducting research and use of information technologies and communication. This should be taken into account in training programs and continuous improvement in undergraduate education.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Adult , Female , Citation Databases , Bibliographies as Topic , Internet , Multicenter Studies as Topic , Peru
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 31(4): 716-720, oct.-dic. 2014. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIPECS, INS-PERU | ID: lil-733255


Con el objetivo de determinar el uso de fuentes de información en médicos recién graduados, de Lima, en abril del 2011, se realizó una encuesta a egresados de siete universidades, en quienes se indagó acerca del uso de buscadores del área de salud durante su año del internado médico; se definió como uso regular si manifestaban que usaron la fuente una vez por semana o a diario. En 490 encuestados las fuentes de información usadas regularmente fueron: SciELO, consultada por 173 (36,4%); PubMed 165 (34,4%); HINARI 117 (25,5%); UpToDate 98 (22,3%); Biblioteca Cochrane 94 (20,6%); LILACS 91(19,8%); biblioteca institucional hospitalaria 70 (15,0%); BVS Perú 42 (9,3%) y LIPECS 39 (8,7%). Solo una minoría accedió regularmente a fuentes de información relacionadas con salud. Es necesaria mayor capacitación en el uso eficiente de los diversos recursos de información científica, de modo continuo y que llegue a los estudiantes y profesionales de la salud.

In order to determine the use of information sources by recently graduated physicians of Lima, Peru in 2011, a survey was conducted among graduated physicians at seven universities. They were asked about the use of search engines in the health area during their year of medical internship [last year of medical school]. Regular use was defined as the source being used once a week or daily. For 490 respondents, regularly used information sources were SciELO, accessed by 173 (36.4%); PubMed 165 (34.4%); HINARI 117 (25.5%); UpToDate 98 (22.3%); Cochrane Library 94 (20.6%); LILACS 91 (19.8%); a hospital institutional library 70 (15.0%); LIPECS 39 (8.7%); and Peru BVS 42 (9.3%). Only a minority regularly accessed information sources related to health. It is necessary to improve capacity in the efficient use of various resources of scientific information in a continuous way and that reaches students and health professionals.

Humans , Male , Adult , Female , Citation Databases , Bibliographies as Topic , Internet , Physicians , Observational Study , Cross-Sectional Studies , Peru
Odontoestomatol ; 16(23): 34-43, mayo 2014. tab, graf, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BNUY, BNUY-Odon | ID: lil-716915


OBJETIVO: Analizar indicadores de producción y consumo de los artículos publicados en Odontoestomatología. MÉTODO: Se descargaron artículos completos en formato XML. Se relevó número y país de origen de los autores. De las referencias se registró: tipo de documento, modo de acceso, idioma, país de edición y año de publicación. RESULTADOS: 1.419 citas en 45 artículos: 78.2% a revistas; el núcleo Bradford fue 9, siendo la más citada el Journal of the American Dental Association (45). Un 37% cita revistas con suscripción paga, 24% en papel y 22% gratuitas en línea o papel. El idioma inglés tiene primacía abarcando Estados Unidos el 40% de las citas. CONCLUSIONES: 1) Preferencia por citar revistas, 2) Alta primacía por revistas de Estados Unidos y Europa y en idioma inglés, 3) Si bien las revistas de acceso pago son más citadas, se confirma un número alto de citas a acceso abierto, 4) El núcleo Bradford es de 9 revistas y se encuentran dentro de las 28 con mayor impacto (SCImago).

OBJECTIVE: To analyse production and consumption indicators from the articles published in Odontoestomatología. METHOD: Full articles were downloaded in XML format. The number of authors and country of origin were registered. Document type, access mode, language, country and year of publication were recorded from the references. RESULTS: 1.419 references are cited in 45 articles: 78.2% journals; Bradford core being 9 journals and the Journal of the American Dental Association was the most cited (45). 37% cite paid subscription journals, 24% paper access and 22% paper or free online. English language is foremost with the United States having 40% of cited journals. CONCLUSIONS: 1) Preference for journals cites, 2) High supremacy of United States and European journals and in English language, 3) Even if subscription journals were more frequently cited, a considerable growth in open access was confirmed, 4) Bradford core was 9 journals which are ranked within the 28 high impact ones (SCImago).

Citation Databases , Bibliometrics , Scientific Publication Indicators
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 11(1): 1-8, Jan-Mar/2013. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-670944


The present article analyzes the relationship between characteristics of the journal Neotropical Ichthyology and its impact factor (IF) between 2006 and 2011 using bibliometric descriptive quantitative methods. To perform this analysis, two samples of journals included in Journal Citation Reports (JCR) were studied. One sample was composed of journals classified within the subject of zoology, and the other contained journals from different areas published in Brazil. The instrument used for data collection was a database created in Microsoft Excel 2007 and the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 18. The results show that despite its short history, Neotropical Ichthyology has exhibited a distinctive impact, as manifested in a significant progression in the IF of this journal in the field of zoology during the investigated period.

Este trabalho analisa as características do periódico Neotropical Ichthyology e de seu Fator de Impacto no período entre 2006 e 2011, utilizando métodos quantitativos descritivos do tipo bibliométrico. Duas amostras de periódicos indexados no JCR foram estudadas para a realização das análises: uma constituída pelos periódicos categorizados como sendo da área de Zoologia e a outra formada por títulos de diferentes áreas publicados no Brasil. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi um banco de dados criado no programa Excel versão 2007 e no SPSS versão 18. Os resultados encontrados nas análises mostram que o Neotropical Ichthyology é um periódico que, apesar de sua história recente de publicação vem apresentando uma evolução de impacto distintiva. Esse aspecto é demonstrado por mudanças significativas na classificação por IF na área de Zoologia no período analisado.

Humans , Bibliometrics , Citation Databases , Zoology
In. Lopes, Ademar; Chammas, Roger; Iyeyasu, Hirofumi. Oncologia para a graduação. São Paulo, Lemar, 3; 2013. p.700-709, ilus. (Oncologia para a graduação).
Monography in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-692062
Psicol. USP ; 22(2): 357-366, abr.-jun. 2011.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-604548


Sugere-se neste texto que a difusão do artigo científico pode ser estudada em termos das relações que se processam entre uma classe comportamental associada à citação do artigo e os meios sociais que estimulam essa classe verbalmente. Tal sugestão presume que a difusão não concerne ao artigo, mas às relações entre a classe específica e os seus antecedentes e consequentes verbais, nos meios sociais pertinentes a quem faz a citação. É realçado o papel das relações interpessoais no controle da difusão de artigos científicos por meio de regras e redes de informação. Argumenta-se que o enquadramento conceitual da difusão do artigo científico nos processos comportamentais de aprendizagem social, indução e controle de estímulos pode favorecer o estudo do tema não só por psicólogos do comportamento e cientistas da informação, mas também por pesquisadores e profissionais de outras áreas.

It is suggested that the diffusion of scientific articles can be studied in terms of relationships that take place between a class of behaviours associated with the article citation and the social media which stimulate this class verbally. This suggestion assumes that the diffusion does not concern the article, but the relationships between this specific class and their verbal antecedents and consequents in the social media pertinent to those making the citation. The role of interpersonal relationships in controlling the diffusion of scientific articles by rules and information networks is highlighted. It is argued that a framework which conceptualizes the diffusion of scientific papers as processes such as social learning, induction and stimulus control may favour the research of the theme not only by behavioural psychologists and information scientists, but also by researchers and professionals from other areas.

Il est suggéré que la diffusion d'articles scientifiques peuve être étudié en termes de relations qui ont lieu entre une classe de comportements associés à la citation de l'article et les médias sociaux qui stimulent cette classe verbalement. Cette suggestion suppose que la diffusion ne concerne pas l'article, mais les relations entre la classe spécifique et de leurs antécédents et des conséquents verbales dans les médias sociaux pertinents à ceux qui font la citation. Le rôle des relations interpersonnelles dans le contrôle de la diffusion d'articles scientifiques par les règles et les réseaux d'information est mise en surbrillance. Il est soutenu que un cadre qui conceptualise la diffusion d'articles scientifiques dans les processus comportementaux de l'apprentissage social, l'induction et le contrôle du stimulus peut favoriser la recherche du thème non seulement par les psychologues du comportement et les spécialistes de l'information, mais aussi par les chercheurs et les professionnels d'autres secteurs. em frances.

Se sugiere que la difusión de artículos científicos puede ser estudiada en términos de las relaciones que tienen lugar entre una clase de conductas asociadas a la citación del artículo y los medios de comunicación social que estimulan esta clase verbalmente. Esa propuesta supone que la difusión no se refiere al artículo, pero a las relaciones entre la clase específica y sus antecedentes y consecuentes verbales en los medios de comunicación social pertinentes a quien hace la citación. Se resalta el papel de las relaciones interpersonales en el control de la difusión de artículos científicos por las normas y redes de información. Se argumenta que un marco que concibe la difusión de artículos científicos como procesos comportamentales de aprendizaje social, inducción y control de estímulos puede favorecer la investigación del tema no sólo por los psicólogos del comportamiento y cientistas de la información, sino también por los investigadores y profesionales de otras áreas.

Citation Databases , Classical Article , Interpersonal Relations , Scientific Communication and Diffusion
RPG rev. pos-grad ; 18(1): 52-56, Jan.-Mar. 2011. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-679738


Scientific journals represent the main disclosure tools for the advancement and development of Science. The importance of scientific journals can be usually defined in several ways including its prestige, which may be reflected in its citedness as measured by the impact factor (IF), which is a classic parameter useful to researchers. Due to controversial issues involving scientific publication, the purpose of this update article was to clarify and explain what is the impact factor of a journal and how it can guide faculty advisors and postgraduate students to publish their papers. The IF of a journal describes both journal and author impacts. It is based on two elements: the numerator, which is the number of citations in the current year to any items published in a journal in the previous two years, and the denominator, which is the number of substantive articles (source items) published in the same two years. Although IF is the only measure of journalÆs quality, it is important to remember that the calculation of the IF is biased by many factors. These include factors as inclusion of review articles, commentaries, errata and letters in numerator, but not in the denominator of the equation used to calculate the IF. Impact factor is the foremost tool to measure and indirectly indicate the research quality. Although it is not a perfect method and has several limited interpretation power, it remains a valuable measurement technique for scientific evaluation.

Citation Databases , Databases, Bibliographic , Impact Factor , Journal Impact Factor